
A recent study by a team of researchers from the U.S. that may affect two ingredients of curry and onions (curcumin, quercetin) may be a certain form of colon cancer. Human stem from a family where one member is diagnosed with FAP (familial polyposis), are particularly at risk to develop colon cancer. Among those affected are formed in the course of time many more polyps than other people. These are considered high risk for cancer formation. The researchers started a pilot project under which they could manipulate successfully in experiments with mice whose cell cultures. In the five patients in the pilot project developed the polyps quantitatively back up to 60%. Their size could be influenced. The two drugs were administered at high dose tablets. Fiber-rich diet, fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise and adequate sleep are the basis for a healthy life. Of course, the mind should be treated with care –Balance at both levels would be desirable. It is obvious that it is the digestive organs are direct beneficiaries of a balanced diet. And so the scientists can not even explain how the cancer arises, but they suggest that promoting eating habits in the developed countries cancer. As long as only the individual can decide for themselves, it is important to recognize this disease early. Alarms there is usually at a late stage. Why should people undergo regular basis from vulnerable families, a study on colorectal cancer screening. People aged 50 years are also at risk and should be at least the rapid tests can be carried out by a doctor. A stool test that looks for a tumor-specific enzyme, provides a quick and reliable check. Should this confirm aspects of a suspected cancer can then still a reflection be performed. Precautionary behavior is a good guarantee for a healthy old age.


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