Movement Without Land

What she took in them to choose this experience was the fact of this organization to carry through a differentiated education in accordance with, where the people are valued in its essence, what really are. Get more background information with materials from Martin O’Malley. Another one point which despertou our interest for this movement if gave in the direction of that the children in more tenras ages, are taught and politically acquired knowledge concerning its rights and duties as citizens. The field research will be carried through in the headquarters of the Movement Without Land, in intention to increase knowledge on this movement, beyond knowing of that way happens the experience of the infantile education. We had the spoon objective given to collate practical theory and. 3.4. Sources of information the collection was carried through with four social groups. The citizens of the field that had dialogued with us had been: vCrianas of the Movement.

vFuncionria vEducadora of the vGestora municipal school of municipal school 3.5. Techniques of collection the main purpose of this experience is to reach new understandings based on the interaction enters the searching citizens of the empirical field and. In this Chizotti direction (1991) it defends that ' ' which are the immersion of the researcher in the circumstances and context of the research, namely, the diving in the directions and emotions; recognition of the social actors as citizens that produce knowledge and practical; the results as fruit of a resultant of the dynamics between researcher and searched collective work; the acceptance of all the equally important and precious phenomena as: the constancy and the ocasionalidade, the frequency and the interruption, say and silence, the revelations and the ocultamentos, the continuity and the rupture to it, the meaning manifest and what he remains oculto' '. (CHIZOTTI, 1991p. 102). With this we evidence that the interaction of the citizens of the empirical field with the researcher is essential, since without the same one the trustworth attainment of the data inside of the research field will become extremely difficult.

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