Many people, rightly or wrongly, large or small, in groups or individually, love birds. Some find it strange this adoration when it reaches the limit that seems almost fanatical birds. But the truth of these fans seem few, although there are surprising for many. The fact is that the birds wake up a special admiration. Bernie Sanders gathered all the information. An admiration for the birds that is strange because it is not love. I say that is not love because they get the birds to grab and put them in cages for birds. I say that is not love but a strange fascination because it is certain that birds are not in the best place when placed in a birdcage. The fact is that many of those who say they love the birds they put in cages for birds, and this kind of love I do not understand.
It is probably a difficult problem to understand why people love it is not locked in cages for birds to birds. Perhaps I'm wrong and to bring birds bird cages is not so bad after all for them, because maybe you can find it in these places. But still, something in me says that this kind of love birds who feel those people that put them in cages for birds is not love, but is never in doubt that I have the right. Let's look at the issue of bird cages and caged birds from another angle. Let's talk about what happens when a person is not set limits and lets you be as it is.
Let us talk about what happens when we are in a possessive relationship partner. In a possessive relationship partner will put the same bars we put on the birds with other bird cages. When we are in a relationship, one or two people can not do what they naturally want to do, can not have friends or leave because the other is to tie. As a result, the person who is locked in a cage similar to cages for birds will feel unhappy and frustrated. Do not believe could happen same with the birds found in bird cages?. Perhaps many think that because they look good, they live long enough, they have food and even occasionally singing. The truth is very different to observe a bird that is free as nature has left him and look at a bird held captive in cages for birds. Among the bird is free and the birds held in captivity in cages for birds you can see major differences in behavior. First, the free bird is fully active, it is still difficult to see on the day unless it rains, whereas the birds in cages for birds have no choice but to be completely passive birds, still. Because the cages for birds, however great that they do not give enough space to fly and to do so many things that make the birds, they are less happy and less active, which gives a certain sadness.