More information can be read by the author in 'Humanity: Past and Future' (). United States belong to the list of states which may then suffer the most. If present the history of modern mankind as a graph, the horizontal axis is time delayed, and the vertical – the number of produced information civilization, which is equivalent to the rate of development civilization, we see that now the curve bends sharply upwards of a hyperbolic law, seeking to move in a vertical line segment. Moreover, the inflection point falls exactly at the beginning of the second decade twenty-first century. Thus, mathematics and irrefutable evidence of the approach of humanity to a new stage of development. Comprehension and analysis of these factors and assess the impact civilization as a whole, and for their own country – that must now go out to the forefront of policy priorities, to become the main concern of the UN and any government. Some governments are aware of the threat and begin to take concrete steps to overcome the disasters of the future. For example, Norway has financed the organization of a data bank on the Svalbard flora of the planet.
It was widely reported in the press under the headings "Noah Ark on Svalbard. " True, not a word was said about why it took Norway to carry out this expensive project. However, the individual efforts of individual countries – is not the level that will help to cope with upcoming challenges. Close coordination and interaction of states and governments around the world – only this approach can not promise the chances of success.