All we played a role in the life and on the basis of this they are our results, to this is called Vital Script to him. It knows more here. Recently Dr. Mark Hyman sought to clarify these questions. Determination: When we were young or adolescent we lived a fact or event that marked great part of our life, to this is called to him in the touching rational sicologa: Interrupting Event. It happens that being young or adolescent we lived what one is called comfortable continuity that is to say, everything was or, everything was normal until it happened something that broke this comfortable continuity to this fact or event is called to him interrupting event. As a result of this one event we made a determination of life, that is to say that fact that was deeply significant in our life lead to us to interpret the life of tal o cual way and on the basis of this to take a determination from life of is born the call there Vital Script that has governed our life in other psychological currents is called to him the Mask , the roll from life , the Bunker, etc. Of an unconscious way we acted that Vital Script and due to the lack of this one brings back to consciousness handles to us rather than handle it him; this is the root of many of our evils emotional and mental.
The Autoconciencia: The solution is to make us conscious of what is that Vital Script, where it was originated? , How one formed? , what gains give me? , lost what cause to me? , how it use? , Why it use? ; since until now it has prevailed our life, and to make it conscious will cause that no longer it handles to us. How to do it? approaching autoconciencia process, single it is not possible, it is required of guide and techniques to obtain it. The Emotional Liberation: Very important part of the process proposed before is to undo to us of the load of negative feelings eg: resentment, wrath, blames, autocompasin, envy, insecurity, etc. since these feelings do not allow to clarify us to us and constitute like a glue that guarantees the repetition of the mechanisms that they take to suffering and failure to us. The process by means of which within the psycotherapy we undo of this emotional load calls catharsis that is to remove all the feeling, yes is of anger, to shout, to say what must be saying, yes is of sadness to cry what must be cried, yes is of fear to express it through shout, words, etc. all this also must be carried out by means of professional guide. As much the psycotherapy as the Kundalini Yoga is effective routes to carry out the processes of Emotional Liberation and Self-knowledge to leave the unconscious landlords of dissatisfaction and emotional pain. By Elosa Chavarra.
On the author: The Dra. Elosa Chavarra is expert in corporal, masterful Gestalt Psycotherapy and of Kundalini Yoga. It has helped hundreds of people to solve to his stress and anxiety as well as bad results of life.