TPM Optimum

The women, in general way, are perfeccionistas, emotivas, loving, intelligent beings and a little distrustful. When they are in the TPM can be still aggressive, sentimental and irrationals. Now, when women ' ' normais' ' they are raised (or moved) for the category ' ' noiva' ' all these feelings form a confused confusion that can blow up at any time until the day of the marriage. After all, the problems and estresse until the date are many and some unexpected ones. Therefore, some phrases never must be said for the fiancs ' ' Vida&#039 will be the day happyest of its; ' This really is useful? The fianc already will be under pressure as the preparativeses for the party and everything for fianc, and still with doubts on as the union will be the relationship as the future husband after. It will be able to pass the day all with this sentence in the head and to conclude that ' ' the day more feliz' ' it was when it knew the husband or when it made an important trip. (Similarly see: Author).

It does not create plus this expectation in the head of the fianc! Another phrase that can declare insolvent, literally, couple that goes to be married ' ' It uses to advantage. You are only married a time in the life! ' '. OK. She can be that a party only exists and that, really, it deserves everything of good and optimum. But she will be that to contract optimum service of marriage decoration, to spend more than what the planned one initially will go you make there – happyer? Or she will cause economic problems for the future couple? Care with this type of commentary. But certainly the worse phrase or advice is this ' ' Ah if I was voc' '. He is the favourite expression of the future mother-in-law. One remembers: you are not the fianc, she does not have taste the same or she does not possess the same dreams. Therefore, he only gives advice when requested, what you are good for you can not be optimum for the other person.

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