
In box of resources where the author information is placed, you can place your link to your web site; This information will always come out at the end of your article. Quality information in their sites to achieve a natural positioning of your site in search engines, is preferable to locate information in text, that information in any format, whether it be video, banners, etc. With this I say no that do not need to place information in these types of formats, but ensure that at least 75% will be text. Always add relevant information, where your keywords is displayed with an appropriate density. Place information of their products, technical specifications, FAQ, etc. It is of vital importance that you start your own blog, to face this task think that content that your audience values. The idea is to provide added value to its products and services.

Here also can place information not only yours, but of others, but always respecting the rights of author and placing the source. Create a good reputation Online the idea of this is not that you speak of yourself, this can bring unfavourable consequences for you in the short term; what I want to convey is that always participate in the internet, whether in forums, placing items, placing quality material in facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. Do people see it to you as an expert in your niche, and that the information presented is very valued by them. The work of positioning is always in the medium and long term, but once achieved the objectives, you will be well rewarded with the flow of traffic that you get, and as this becomes money for you. Follow these guidelines, and insurance you will begin to see changes in the ranking of the different search engines in the short term.

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