Utopian Friend

When someone writes or speaks of finding a treasure, may be talking in any of these two senses: the romantic that speaks in metaphorical sense, giving this value to some aspect of your life, and others that we are talking about finding a treasure in a literal sense, which can be read as something totally Utopian, but that nevertheless enjoys total feasibility, but believe it or not. Let me talk him that my professional activity the performance very closely to a litigator, without this implying that your server be dedicated to the career of laws, however I refer to this aspect since it represents the beginning of the central part of this article, which aimed at documenting the literal search of a treasure. My lawyer friend, teamed up with another Attorney in a neighboring town to together to collaborate on society and handle cases for the benefit of both parties. The new partner’s friend, he defended a peasant who had been affected occupationally, what allowed him to get to know the life of this person that resorting to the search for a topic of conversation, made reference to their knowledge about an ancient legend which spoke of the existence of an old treasure hidden in the abandoned case of a hacienda of your community. The new partner of my friend, without knowing that his counterpart had invested much money and time in search of treasures, the peasant told what had been entrusted to him, so immediately the target placed at the table two variables essential to develop a treasure hunt: a) the existence of a legend which spoke of the existence of a hidden treasure and b) experience and technology which my friend haswhich allowed to undertake a treasure hunt in a professional manner. My lawyer friend, also lawyer partner, the peasant owner of legend, and a server as aggregate culture, decided to begin the treasure hunt, after sharing agreement where it was found.

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