Steel Is Strong

At present, the carbon in all types of steel is the most important element of the quenching. In addition, it increases the strength of steel. For even more analysis, hear from Martin O’Malley. However, it should be noted that with all this, it reduces the viscosity of the material. Steels containing more than 0.5% carbon, called high-carbon. Chromium is added to improve wear resistance, hardenability, and, most importantly, to increase resistance to corrosion.

Steel with a chromium content of at least 13% are considered non-corrosive. Not Despite its name, the rusting steel all, without exception, if their condition is not maintained properly. Adding large amounts of chromium reduces the strength. MarganetsMarganets gives the structure of the steel grit and improves its hardenability. In addition, the effect on the strength and durability. Currently isolzuetsya in all types of steel with the exception of A2, L-6, and CPM 420V.

MolibdenPredotvraschaet fragility and strength of the steel supports for high temperatures. Currently present in many steels with an air quenching. The presence of at least one percent of molybdenum in the steel allows it to harden already in the open air. NikelDobavlyaet steel rigidity. Present in L-6 and AUS-6 and AUS-8. It is believed that nickel plays an important role in corrosion resistance. FosforSoderzhitsya in small amounts in most steels. Phosphorus pollution reduces the strength of steel. KremniySposobstvuet strength. As manganese makes the steel stronger in the manufacturing process. SerKak rule, the presence of sulfur is not desirable in cutlery steel. VolframKarbid this metal improves the wear resistance Future knife. It is best to manifest itself on the quality of steel in combination with the proper content of chromium and molybdenum. VanadiySposobstvuet wear resistance and hardenability. It also tightens the grain steel, which contributes strength and allows the blade to form a long time to keep grinding.

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