Eight Intelligences

The educational process in our lives is complex and consists of many variables: the values and traditions of our family, the customs of our culture, our experiences and lessons we can learn from them and, ultimately, we received formal education. The latter play an important role in our lives, as most people decide their future on the basis of formal education they have received. You may want to visit Author to increase your knowledge. Both parents and children who rely on traditional education systems provide tools to ensure a good future, because it has the ability to prepare a person can be inserted in the job market successfully. It's all about excellent drawn notes, studying for a degree and then find a good job. However, this successful formula is not valid for all children. If so, all students in a course should be able to get good grades, graduating with great success and find suitable work. And we all know that it is not. Within a year there is always a few outstanding students, then there are the "heap" and a pair of students considered diplomatically "regular performance, which are typical of children with school problems. Why is there this difference being that the school is supposedly designed to fill an entire population with the education necessary to succeed in life? Is it that some have higher intelligence and others lack it? Is life really governed by a bad call "law of the jungle" in which the more intelligent and strong wins and the rest have to cope with the crumbs left over? Unfortunately many young people are left with this idea, because they have bad experiences in their schooling.

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