Use of ground water for space heating and hot water through a heat pump draws the water-to-water heat pump the required heat in contrast to brine or air heat pump from the ground water. The groundwater temperature of 7 to 12 degrees are ideally suited for a monovalent operation, however a bivalent operation the water-to-water heat pump is also possible. The difference of Monovalent and bivalent heat pumps operating modes is quickly explained. Monovalent operation, the heat pump is used as the sole source of heat and thus covers the entire heating load of the building as the only heat transfer. For bivalent operation, the heat pump is not the only source of heat for the building. During peak hours a second heat source (such as a gas heating) can help then the heat production of the heat pump needs.
The bivalent operation is usually then selected, if particularly high flow and return temperatures must achieve the required heating energy so very high or the Heat from the ground water for the heating system is not quite sufficient. A flow temperature of 35 degrees is usually sufficient for modern heating systems, the bivalent operation the water-to-water heat pump is therefore sufficient and no second heat source must be inserted. Function of water-water heat pump because ground water even at freezing temperatures has a constant temperature of 7 to 12 degrees, the medium is ideal as a heat source. A suction, or pumped wells, ground water is promoted by a pump in the heat exchanger of the heat pump. Herein is the energy stored in the water to a refrigerant progress in the tubes of the heat pump and the cooled water over the injection wells returned to the groundwater flow in the Earth’s interior. Since the heat of groundwater for heating operation is sufficient refrigerant heated from the ground water in a compressor is led and brought pressure from the liquid to the gaseous state. Here it goes So far indicates that it is sufficient for the heating circuit temperature.
The heat the refrigerant restored after the liquid state and the pressure is lowered again in the expansion valve to the original level, so now heat from groundwater can be resumed. Not everywhere is pros and cons of groundwater as a source of energy, because both the amount of water and temperature, as well as the water quality must be compatible with the operation of a water-to water heat pump. A very good efficiency of the system is achieved by high water and very good water quality. Then waits on a water-water heat pump with high cost effectiveness and efficiency, without the use of supplementary heating systems and claimed only a small footprint. About 25 percent are required for the operating power. At depths of 20 meters and groundwater contamination through too much manganese, iron, or solids, such heat systems promise no economic operation. The construction costs for large are A prepared water depth relatively high, on the other hand lesser water quality a high and costly maintenance. Versickerte well systems or an increased wear of the pump are the consequences. -Christian Munch