As a rule of thumb for the length of a blog article are recommended to approximately 500 words. This of course varies from topic to topic. It is important to find the balance. The article should be not too short, otherwise a reading and come back be worth little. If the article is very long, he must be really interesting to the reader not to be bored and scaring away. A blog post is then reader-friendly, if equal in the first sets will be clear, what is offered in the article. You can graphically emphasize this “teaser”. It is also useful to specify links to further reading, or as a source.
So, the competence and honesty of the authors underlined and rebuilt confidence in the blog. 2. interactivity and authenticity weblogs are intended for readers, which are native to the Web 2.0. These users like to give your opinion and discuss also often repeatedly calling the discussion in which they have added a comment. In addition, they pass the discussion in social networks, so act as multipliers. Only if a blog post to comments and SWYN links has, can typical blog readers on the blog are bound and unfold all the advantages of the Web logs for the company.
A blog fits to companies with a modern concept of PR and seeks open dialogue with the customer takes the reader, even if it is criticism, as competent and embarks with him at eye level. A company that provides good products and customer service, must be afraid before comment functions but can be used positively as valuable feedback. Blogs are originated in the private sector, maintained by writers who like to write and share with, have a personal touch. As a corporate blogger should be perceived for the instrument blog into the marketing mix to work. The author must be perceived as competent and absolutely authentic to the success of the blog.