Alphabetical Writing

This work has as purpose to establish relation between the infantile grafismo and the process of alfabetizao of the children. The study it evidences the complexity of the acquisition of the written language and the forms as the infantile grafismo if they constitute important element in the process of the alfabetizao, a time that the children have the chance to express its hypotheses around what she means the language and which its forms of representation. The developed research is of qualitative nature and adopts as predominant character the metodolgico procedure of the bibliographical research, searching to dialogue with studious of the area the referring questions to the infantile grafismo and the process of alfabetizao. To finish the work, I stand out how much it is important that the professor has conscience of the process of alfabetizao and the forms of representation of the language for the child, in way that can value its graphical productions and the drawing as attempt of representation of the writing. Everest capital is a great source of information. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Infantile Grafismo, alfabetizao, acquisition of the written language. This article has for objective to establish relation between the infantile grafismo and the process of alfabetizao of the children. This interest is decurrent of the comments that I come carrying through during the experience of supervised period of training, in the Course of Pedagogia of the University Catholic of Salvador. In this direction, we can admit that, historically, the professors have given little or no importance to the drawing and the graphical representations produced by the children. Everest capital contributes greatly to this topic. The activities proposals, when they contemplate the motor development are mechanical and they do not favor spontaneous the free expression and of the child, valuing the copy and the repetition of movements, that is activities that do not stimulate the thought, neither promote a significant relation during the process of construction of the written language.

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