Outdoor Advertising

Advances in technology allowed man to apply their knowledge in various fields. One of them is – advertising. TV and radio – not the new platforms for advertising, while all known ads experiencing a rebirth. Instead of the old signs that are no longer considered to be external advertising, there was a lot of different kinds of outdoor advertising: billboards, prizmatrony, citylights, on house roofs, roller displays, banners, placards, pylons and firewalls. Man is designed so that visual information may be invisible to it stored in memory – which is why outdoor advertising is so popular. Among all types of outdoor advertising billboards in demand above all – the big billboards that are located generally along the roads.

Whatever the size of a billboard (depending on the laws of the country), a successful advertising arrangement images and text can person to recognize an advertisement with a very great distance. It is also worth noting that all types of outdoor advertising must pass the compulsory registration, regardless of their properties. This means that even the temporary banners and other changeable advertising established only with official permission. Thus, the state regulates the ability of external advertising to change the look of cities.

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