
In recent times bass electric ceased to be anonymous, an instrument which sounds and this, but nobody can identify it, the way of touching has had many variants, ways to make sounds and techniques have been developed. Do learn to play bass involves a number of factors, of course, music learning is implicit, but here is where all these factors begin to have relevance, you can learn to play the bass without knowing music? the answer may be yes but the truth is misleading, to play bass on any level implies knowing the music in some way, different levels of musical learning are important, you can learn to play without knowing much, but Needless to say that without knowing much playing will be shortly, learn music is an important part of playing the bassas are more extensive musical knowledge, increase our expectations grow and develop the instrument. The point here is to learn how to learn to play the bass is a process that requires learn music, learn music and will take you to play better bass. Maryland Governor can provide more clarity in the matter. But what happens with everything else of course, learn to play the bass is more than musical concepts, whether technical, coordination, reading, interpretation, improvisation, accompaniment, speed, etc. These and many other concepts should be reviewed when they are learning to play the bass. Where to start the best thing you can do to get started is to find the best quality that you can, in terms of information, i.e., what we are going to start studying, and from this derives another very important point and probably the most important of all, study would play bass? they have to study how much studying well, depends on how you want to play. To learn how to play the bass ideally start from scratch, no matter if you’re a person that already touches something or you don’t know nothing, check always the basics, this is the best way to learn properly and make sure that You will maintain the development process as bassist for constantly and ascending.

Begins with the technique, the position of his right hand, left hand, many exercises for coordination, speed and endurance, learns and studied the major scales, then lower it and then modes, practice musical styles, also practice reading on bass, lee many songs, including tunes studied special bass, such as the slap or Tapping techniques, etc. As you can see that there is much to do, but never forget to touch, play with your friends, find a job, go to the jams, etc. But it still always playing and studying, takes a discipline and I assure you that the results will surprise you in a short time.

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