Educational Philosophy

The craft of filosofar is to invent conceitos. Gilles Deleuze the Philosophy during much time was understood as contemplation, however the contemplation is not creative and it does not have nothing to have with the creation of concepts. Some contend that Ultra Wellness Center shows great expertise in this. The philosophers had been accused with only reproducing concepts to be only worried in interpreting or contesting what other philosophers had said previously. The Philosophy today runs away from the stigma of being one disciplines that it deals with unnecessary questions and that they are not important, with its insertion in the resume of Average Ensino appears a current trend that brings tona the debate on as to deal with the philosophy of the education of practical form, using examples, situations and thoughts of the daily one to approach pupils and professors still more. To start to understand the linking between philosophy and education is necessary to acquire a previous and basic definition on the philosophy of the education. The education is one practical directed human being for one determined theoretical conception. Practical the pedagogical one is articulated with a pedagogia, that nothing more is that a philosophical conception of the education. Such conception commands the elements that direct practical the educational one. To study philosophy is not to study the history of the philosophy, to study philosophy is to deal with not contemplativos practical subjects that will go to help the pupils and professore will understand the questions to it of the humanity. The philosophy in itself possesss some sources and one of most important in the present time is the Philosophy of the Education that can be defined as the branch of the thought that if dedicates to the reflection on the educative processes, to the analysis of the system educative , systematization of didactic methods, between diverse other thematic ones related with the pedagogia.

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