Educator Family

Family intervention is initiated through the consolidation of a program that allows systematizing the first performances. In other words, to carry out a process of change in the families is very important to develop advance what steps will be followed in the intervention, or what is the same, the planning of intervention. See more detailed opinions by reading what Peter Arnell offers on the topic.. Among the great variety of existing variables will highlight three by their ability to influence the design of the project (Vilar, j., 1996): scope of the resource or the amplitude of the context: the first variable refers to the amount of people you want to reach or who will be affected by the project. Thus, we can talk about macro-social scope, when it belongs to a large number of people, or an extensive territory, for example. Scope mesosocial, when what it is are sections or specific groups, for example: minor, drug addicts, sick, elderly social scope, in the case of a service reduced to a specific group that you can not fragment, as a family unit, a specific Association, etc. degree of formality: the degree of formality makes reference to the specificity with which has to design the process of change so that the project responds to the proposed objectives. Formality low when not necessary regulate the actions of a service to achieve the proposed objectives. What you want to say that the very existence of the resource or service implies this scope to the extent that met the basic requirements for using it and participate, for example, the library, the formality youth information centre half when the institution or service need to regulate their actions by which the scope of resources depends largely on the acquisition of certain learning processes that are necessary to explain.

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