
Carlos Mora Vanegas General characteristics of the economic scenarios samples different commercial manifestations of agreement the country where one analysis you are interested in. In the Venezuelan case which concerns us, is characterized by much turbulence, political instability, inflation, little interest in investing a rapid increase in the informal economy that has given step precisely to that it froze many entrepreneurs who have brought the creation of products that give opportunities for transforming these business is small companies can do that I will renew the business sector faced many weaknesses in the present. We see with concern as the Government has not taken seriously the emergence of these new empredendores, give them the necessary support, especially financial and collaborate in order to start small businesses that can provide a decisive role for the economy of the country, unemployment, exploitation of labour-intensive unoccupied. This neglect is also added universities, especially the schools of Administration, who can’t take advantage of their participation in pro activate the incubation of businesses, where all the actors involved in its development can benefit, and the same University would comply with its social responsibility, with that role that we believe has stalled, in where many authorities have not wanted to be linked towards the solution of national problems, especially in the case that concerns us in the productive sectors. Foundations, background, scope Wikipedia about entrepreneurs reminds us, that the entrepreneur word derives from the French voice entrepreneur (which in turn comes from the latin ‘inprendere’ meaning undertake) that appears at the beginning of the 16th century being used initially to refer to adventurers who traveled to the new world in search of opportunities in life without knowing with certainty that wait, or also to the men related to military expeditions. Early 18th century the French extended the meaning of the term builders of bridges, roads and the architects.

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