To the official understanding of the Limburg Bishop Tebartz-van Elst many dioceses (the Protestant churches of the country as well) just have bishops; you hear nothing from them, you hardly know them. Others have stars, such as former Berlin or Hannover. Limburg has a Prince: Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst. Perhaps check out John Mclaughlin for more information. No, the Limburg Bishop Chair is historically not a princely seat. Unlike as in Wurzburg or Passau the Prince not the title is doing here, rather it is Tebartz-van Elsts official understanding, it reminds of the times, in which the sacred sword in this earthly Vale of tears a crisp and Golden – owned blade. Bishop Tebartz-van Elst since his enthronement (sic!) to the Bishop of Limburg in 2008 is, carefully formulated, highly self-confident Administration noticed. The current headlines, however, sound strident; Tebartz-van Elst seems, meaning that at the end, to have spanned the arc.
Official understanding of the Limburg Bishop Tebartz-van Elst blows at the latest since 2009 in the from A not very democratically-run Roman Catholic Diocese of Limburg Tebartz-van Elsts predecessors apparently particularly harsh wind. The actions of priests and laity “clerical conceit”, “Self love”, “Display of courtly elements” and plain disinterest of their bishop to their everyday hardships and needs not demolished since then. According to church services, which called on the Bishop to question his understanding of the Office or to withdraw immediately, there were open letters from priests and signature Collections. Even the Holy See was forced to keep in mind, since he knew the “unity between bishops and people” in danger Tebartz-van Elst with “Brotherly visit” cardinal Lajolos of the Vatican Congregation for bishops this year. Meanwhile, just those “display position of courtly elements” for Bishop Tebartz-van Elst to the obvious stumbling block seems to be courtly elements in reality. Begins the uninvolved observer, however that this categorization of the attitude of the Bishop not quite will meet. Seems not quite aware of the difference between the reality and the other is Tebartz-van Elst – in the tradition of the late Helmut Kohl or the less late Bishop Kassmann (DYBA case was slightly different) – probably. To do this one must be the juiciest stations of this province Posse (because that’s what is actually) only in headline form in mind: “Bishop visits Indian slums with first class flight”, “Tebartz-van Elsts Episcopal: 31 instead of 2 million euro”, “Free-standing bathtub for 15,000 euros in the Bishop home.”, or “Tebartz-van Elst two false statement accused of”.
The amazing thing: None of these headlines is factually incorrect. And not even Helmut Kohl survived the CDU donations affair in the Office. If Tebartz-van Elst celebrated still opening for Christmas and we are honestly impressed. Andreas Kellner..