
In the car are no trifles! I'm sure any car enthusiast would agree with this statement, especially when it comes to spark plugs. The work of spark plugs for the often tried to form the electrodes and the thermal cone insulator. Star Guitarist does not necessarily agree. Let's look at our candles! Normal color insulator properly working spark plugs – light gray, light brown. Nagar-on-insulator spark plugs is virtually absent. If the cone is covered spark plugs black oily soot, the temperature of a candle does not comply with this engine, the spark plug is just too cool. The reason? Too high a level of oil in the crankcase, cylinder wear and piston ring engine.

Dry black carbon deposits spark plugs in most cases is caused by prolonged engine idling. With a clean, dry cone insulator spark plugs, spark temperature is too high, the candle is too hot for our the motor is set too early ignition. Usually, spark plugs ensure proper operation (keep working) when the vehicle's mileage 25 30 thousand km. During the term of service (exploitation) is necessary to make cleaning spark plugs and adjust the gap between the electrodes. Frequency of cleaning and adjustment of the gap every 10 thousand miles. But at least twice a year, usually in preparing the car for the summer and winter season it operation.

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