The Company is doing well now! Keep doing what you normally do and getting a profit. Now any changes, especially radical can cause recessions. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Novelist. Remember your goals and how your business meets stated objectives and helps You realize them. Business and money – this is only a means to achieve your personal goals, step 19. When you have created and established to the extent the sales cycle of their information product that it no longer requires your constant attention and effort to maintain a good level of sales, then it is time to create your next information product.
In its new product, you can now share some fresh knowledge and experience acquired by you in the course of his previous commercial product. Or maybe you need again the time to learn something in their field. Come in for some new training and workshops to a new idea ripened, and your level for a new information product. Especially since you already have a business that is constantly and has effortlessly brings you a profit. Invest the money back to their own development and the development of its next product, or services; step 20. After creating your next information product promote it primarily to people who have already bought from you previous product, as well as their partners. If people have once trusted you and were satisfied with the quality of your product and the attitude, the likelihood that they will buy you something else is ten times higher than if it was a new potential client.
Create a community of people from their potential and actual customers, as well as business partners, who you are valued and respected as a specialist. Help these people get to know your area, help them better do their businesses in your area and then it will return you to the trinity. Organize such a community can use the forum, a blog, in close Internet conference, as well as offline seminars. Having its community of people who trust you and appreciate as a specialist, you will ensure yourself abundance and a bright future, step 21. The last stage of the development of your information off-line business may be paid seminars and sales consulting for your target audience. But this kind of activity on the forces Only true professionals in their field, because for such activities need stable authority, a profound understanding of the topic and extensive experience in this field. By the way, then each of these trainings may be a good help for the next information product and the appearance of one additional source of income in your business. ====== As you may have guessed, I did not set out to reveal all details and technical details of implementing each step in this article, because it is not possible to do in such a small format, as an article. I just gave you an efficient, effective and proven plan that justified and continues to justify myself in my work, as well as in other businesses. I’m also not in any way do not pretend that this is the only viable plan. Most likely you can just add some of his steps along the implement the plan. But if you like, and in tune with this particular plan, then remove from him some steps, skip or put in another order – I do not advise you. This violates the principle of gradualism and you get stuck. So The following plans and be upon you the power! :-)).