Peter II in 19 of April of 1879, that it allowed the ingression of the women in Superior Ensino in Brazil. Before, the first Brazilian formed in Superior Ensino was August Maria Generous Star, considered pioneering and responsible for the opening of the facultieses to the women. August Maria if formed doctor in 1876 in New York, thanks to the stock market granted for D. Peter II for its well-known academic performance, however, it never could inside exert the medicine of the country without the law of 19/04/1879. The feminine fight for the right to frequent Ensino Superior is only plus one of many fights that had had that to be stopped in search of the sort equality, many women currently see in Superior Ensino the chance to change its social condition, not only in the financial aspect, but in the construction of its identity and its space, As confirms Guimares (2003, p.7): (…) in the Brazilian society contemporary, the women are each time more searching in the conclusion of Superior Ensino the chance to change its projects of life, family and marriage. They want freedom of thought and action. They desire to be perceived as individuals capable to make choices and to take decisions.
Many studies disclose that currently the women surpass the men in number inside Superior Education, the census of the Superior Education of 2006-2008 (INEP) disclose that he had about 12% more women who men in Superior Ensino, this study were carried through with the objective of ' ' to trace a x-ray of Superior Ensino in the Brasil' '. Today the women represent 60% of the total of colleges student in Brazil, being that in 2007 they represented 57.1% and 10 years before in 1997 were 53.6%. However, if the feminine population in Superior Ensino grows statistical to each divulged research, obviously decreases the masculine presence.