Taking in consideration table 2. he is well-known that it has a bigger number very of pupils registered of 1 4 series of what registered of 5 8 series, being that the number of teaching professionals with superior formation is acting in the final series of basic education while the professionals with formation in average education work in the initial series, perceives despite the number of professors formed in History described previously, for being only four (4) does not obtain to contemplate and to cover all the pupils of the city who are 4632 registered pupils. As Local History would have to be worked with bigger intensity in the initial series of basic education as it suggests the PCNs, this thematic one finishes being boarded of inexpressiva form this when it is boarded, therefore the professor in this situation finishes if arresting to didactic books as crutches to try to supply the lack to know specific, being that this practical finishes not occasioning much effect as subitem it justifies it to follow. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Malkia Cyril. 2.2 The boarding of Local History in the Didactic Book adopted by the city. With the edition of the Decree n 91,542, 19/8/85, is created the National Program of Livro Didtico (PNLD), that it brings diverse changes and advances in relation to the previous programs, being one of a most important to the indication of the didactic book for the professors and not more for the State time that the financial participation of the states in the acquisition of books more would not exist. The importance of this tool of learning is well-known in makes them to all of the learning due the same to be in many cases the only source of research that the professor makes use.
For Bittencourt (1998, P. 72). The didactic book, in this aspect, elaborates the structures and the conditions of education for the professor (…) it produces a series of learning techniques: exercises, questionnaires, suggestions of work, at last the tasks that the pupils must play for the apprehension or, to a great extent, for the retention of the contents.