In principle your internal environment or external must understand an organizational change process as the adaptive capacity of organizations suffering different transformations, through learning (re learning would be a better expression). It is important to understand that the change in the organizational culture is not an easy pattern. The essence of change is to try first that human groups are on our side according to the following phases: phase 1 preparation-to enforce this phase, personnel should recognize that there are problems either between members own the company, with clients or in the structure of the company o simply accept that for structural processes or business decisions is necessary to carry out a process of organizational change. Phase 2 Diagnostics.-commitment from above already shows us the need for action by conviction. Phase 3 INSTITUTIONALIZATION.-must be accepted by the majority of the members, bear in mind the fear or insecurity at the beginning of the process should be considered normal by the agents of the change. Steve Geppi has many thoughts on the issue. Having the employees of our side would imply a real reduction in the risk of all change. One of the biggest problems faced by the man, is the resistance to change, this originates as a manifestation of insecurity before the change of routines and established customs, using a defence mechanism the inability by assimilating new criteria, systems or procedures.
Organziacional culture is evidenced by behaviours that compose its manifest behavior. Among them are:-ethical conduct: bounded by cultural factors and the formation of social networks typical of members of the company among which the following can be identified:-the organizational behavior: determinants of this type of conduct found in the Constitution and functioning of a certain organizational, structure in relation to the following elements: – bureaucracy-is a too large administration systemwhich is the consolidation of enormous organizational structures. -Concentration the power – when the power is in the hands of a few civil servants who feel owners of the paperwork and the time allocated to these.