Power companies collect 800 million euros too much more than 670 regional provider of power plan to raise electricity prices after a search of the independent consumer portal top rate. With a family budget with 4 people who consume 4,000 kilowatt hours a year, the boost can be up to 25 percent in some cases. So, burdens are possible in the year from about 75 euros. According to tariff experts pay citizens for electricity from 2009 record prices. More than 670 regional provider of power plan to raise electricity prices after a search of the independent consumer portal top rate. With a family budget with 4 people who consume 4,000 kilowatt hours a year, the boost can be up to 25 percent in some cases. So, burdens are possible in the year from about 75 euros.
Within Germany’s electricity customers can choose an other provider since 1998 for cheap power. The consumer’s willingness to change is low so far, however. Benefit from the big energy suppliers. The fact that many Households have pulled so far no switching in consideration, fills the coffers of the provider to around EUR 800 million. Because a change of electricity provider savings up to 300 euro a year possible. This money is missing but in the budget, if to inform consumers does not have savings at the power supply. The conversion of energy delivery is worth double: on the one hand, you can save slightly more euro through a change of electricity provider in the year. On the other hand, to strengthen the competition of the market Dominator and thus ensures a better competition on the German electricity market.
Electricity provider switching is quite easy and completed in just a few steps: the power calculator find the lowest fare, and in just a few clicks, the registration is completed. You need not to have fear of blackout. An uninterruptible power supply is guaranteed by law. More news for developing electricity price, cheaper energy supply and renewable energies. Klaus Hans