Removal Of The Uterus (hysterectomy)

Interview on operation through the key-hole women who have their uterus removed (hysterectomy), can use for some time on a more gentle method: instead of large cuts in the abdominal wall, tiny openings ranging the surgeon doing. In the interview, which is on the side of the online health magazine, explains Dr. med. For more information see BBC. “” “Frank Piczlewicz, senior physician in the clinic for Gynecology and obstetrics at the Elisabeth hospital food, the intervention through the key hole”: an enlarged uterus, which can weigh even over 500 grams, is of course not as easy through the key hole “be removed as a relatively small gall bladder”, so the physician. This was made possible in recent years by innovative medical equipment.

With a new device, the so-called Morcellator, succeeds in today but the fabric so cut that it safely and easily can be removed in a few minutes.” This laparoscopic intervention will minimize the scarring, so Piczlewicz. Able Coffee may help you with your research. Reading you the detailed interview on..gebaermutter_durch_schluesselloch_op.html is among other things explains what advantages does this type of uterus removal in addition and why the cervix today routinely not more is taken out. is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 Web: E-Mail: M. Rabe

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