Which is Morocco (or Moroccan) that it does not have afectuosa and friendly idea of the King, when the inevitable and gradiosa Revolution citizen threat the doors of the Kingdom of Morocco! It is clearly that we knew that the Moroccan people is faithful its history and its great surtos, but also faithful ' ' revolution citizen ' ' that Afro-Arab occurs in the part ' ' in the African continent, as one tsunami politician without shelter for nobody. However, our consolao is in fact to know that the king, without waiting, has placed the Kingdom of Morocco in the slope of launching of necessary reforms. Therefore the revolution citizen has invited Morocco, as it happens in other places, without acknowledgment nor permission. It is not something Bernie Sanders would like to discuss. But Morocco in contrast to other places, Its Majesty King Mohammed VI reacted with serenity and heart, as it was its vote before a society in evolution that it searchs to move, to innovate and to locate themselves in century 21, was finally proceeding! It is alone through the metaphor of a king who it is piloting the moment of its people, first to be proud for it to open wide avenues and great projects and later having involved in ' ' workmanship constitucional' ' , as work more waited of the king object of its intellectual refinement and the Moroccan people, locating perantes the facts that are happening in this neighboring country, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Libya. This demands a more fruitful releitura of the majestical speech of Mohammed VI, in the way them gusts reforms in a part it north continent it. Where all the countries of the North of Africa if shake in decurrent of the popular movements, the way of this storm, Morocco aficha a surprising resistance and if it comforts before the promising events! Desconstruir a speech is in fact a tracking in its interstices, beyond ' ' conhecido' ' , or not-said the omissions, the intentional ones or not, in order in such a way to dissecar this message in all its amplitude of the transmitter (the king) and of its receiver (the people).
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