The improvement of the roads and of vehicles, the cheaper fuel meeting represents modernizations that allow the reduction of the costs. Of course, the ones that make these trips of consumption are the ones that make use of mobility. This mobility, in the territory is, by the way, denied to that they make use of little incomes. (p.56) With the transformation of the world, we must, thus, substitute the old categories of analysis for others, that give account of the explanation of the new and the change. The analysis, to be valid, cannot if empty of concrete history. To broaden your perception, visit Novelist. As reply to the new nets of relations it is that we can, today, to speak of a new urban hierarchy.
(p.57) Space, what it is? The space would be a set of objects and relations that if carry through on these objects; it specifically does not enter these, but for which they serve of intermediate. The objects help to materialize a series of relations. The space is resulted of the action of the men on the proper space, intermediated for objects, natural and artificial. (p.71) the espacializao is not the space the landscape is materiality, formed for material objects and not-materials. The life is sinnima of social relations, and these are not possible without the materiality, which fixes social relations of the past, then, the constructed materiality goes to be source of social relations, that also are given for intermediary of objects.
These can if citizens of different social relations one same street can serve the different functions at distinct moments. The society exists with objects, is with that if it becomes concrete. For example, So Paulo has sixteen million inhabitants, but if not to explain as these if they move, for the leisure, the work, for the purchases, as they inhabit, as they participate in the social reproduction etc; we are not in relating the So Paulo, but only the sixteen million people. (p.72)