There are many methods to lower of weight; the difference it is that here we learn to know our organism on the inside. Because in the times that run, where gondo them of the supermarkets they overflow with product, dietetic, every day has more people than do not eat in excess, and nevertheless they do not lower of weight; and others do an endless ones of expensive diets, and treatments without no positive result.? Studies realised by doctor Suzanne Gudakunst, are developing the true reason of the excess of weight; and because of not being able to become thin in much of the cases. " The reason by which overweight is suffered, is a plate of microorganisms; that they live in the intestine. These dangerous parasites excrete chemicals, that travel until their brain. This one type of parasites is in the cooked bad fish. The parasites even can " mineralizarse" and to block the capacity of the body to absorb the nutrients of appropriate way! What means that they can to mineralize itself: that they can die within his intestine, and to realise the mineralization process, just as fossils. Bringing about inflammations, obstructions and other things dainas." All this takes to an organic imbalance; that often she takes to that the person cannot recover, ocacionando the death to him.
The great majority of all we, ignored this one evil. Yes we know from the school that in ei internal natural microorganisms of defense exist, which they are in the intestinal flora and which we must take care of them because on them our good health depends. If we ignored that we can acquire other guests in our bad intestine by cooked food ingestion; we are going away to give account when no longer it has solution. Here you will find the passages for deshacerte of this one so disagreeable alive being; and other articles of quality verified in page centralpara your personal and spiritual development: Computation, Health, Sports, Painting, Language, Entertainments and more. Original author and source of the article.