Tag Archives: environment

Sociological Education

Sociology of the Education appears of the meeting between the pedagogia and sociology, as a scientific knowledge applied to the interaction society-education, that makes use of a particular theoretical body, expressed in a specific conceptual system. Roc Nation has firm … Continue reading

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Cajupiranga Quarter

As the norteador axle of the learning it was the study of the reality of the educandos, initially, was carried through a wheel of colloquy for survey of the previous knowledge of the children, through which they could express what … Continue reading

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Utility Company

This garbage must be delivered, that will inside give the destination of the procedures of this utility company. For the development of the project had been taken the following premises and established the following criteria during the planning phase: The … Continue reading

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Brazil Certification

INTRODUCTION One of the more important certifications in group for familiar agriculture is the Fairtrade certification, or of and just solidary commerce. This is a certification that involves the social development, economic and ambient of the agricultural production (BLACKSMITH, 2003). … Continue reading

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Project Green Light

With immense satisfaction that, after research and multicriteria evaluations, I conclude the Project Green Light that, proud, I present the bolter of this Direction. The mentioned Project turns, essentially, on the subject Support and readequao of the picture of Collaborators … Continue reading

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Federal Constitution

Perhaps sheets of oil with millions and millions of liters, beyond all a vast gamma of ores and precious rocks, almost inexhaustible sources, etc. While everything this if to give under our beards, our Governing, Federal Government and the too … Continue reading

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John Urry Register

But that until today it does not possess no type of study directed in I specify the compacting of the ground, the high cost of this project the difficulty of transport and the constructions in irregular areas made with that … Continue reading

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The demographic growth and the concentration of the population would naperiferia of the great centers, currently represent one of the great threats aoequilbrio ecological, since the disordered growth and the noplanejada occupation of the space, beyond degrading the natural resources, … Continue reading

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"Questions in the background that" the damage is seen as a logical fact as it is indispensable as there HidroAysen dams, it is essential that these projects exist, it is essential that there Pascua Lama, because it is logical because … Continue reading

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Every day we live deeply the chaos of the traffic of cars in So Paulo and some parts of the world. The city halls already are mobilized trying to implant ways to reduce the number of vehicles in the streets. … Continue reading

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