The Macedonians

400 BC: North of the Alps, mass migrations, insert Celtic; the Central European Celtic tribes to penetrate further and further South; following the conquest of Italy, including the Etruscan town of Clusium (Toscana), and finally the entire Po Valley; almost at the same time, tribes conquer Celtic also the Danube River basin in the East, while other Celtic tribes continue to spread southward and attack Macedonia and Greece. 281 BC, the Celtic tribe of Galatians defeated for the first time the Macedonian army; due to disputes, the tribe of Galatians is divided: some moves towards South and settles on the territory of modern-day Turkey, while the other part is trying to conquer Delphi, where he trounced. 278 / 277 BC: The Macedonians beat the Celtic organisations and put an end; thus the threat of Greece of the Celts at the same time manages the Galatians emigrated to Asia minor, to solidify its position there; they result in numerous military conflicts and hire themselves out as mercenaries for foreign powers, such as for example Rome; their war service for Rome are responsible for ensuring that they play an important role in Asia minor BC into to the 1st century. 390 BC European Celtic associations conquer and pillage Rome; only the payment of a high ransom can move them to withdraw; This is followed by more armed conflicts. 232 BC: Roman associations occupy the area of the Celtic tribe of the Senones (Adriatic coast, South of today’s Rimini).

225 BC: Battle of Telamon (today’s Tuscany): of two Roman associations included almost 70 000 Celts lose their lives; in the aftermath of the Celtic tribes in the Iberian Peninsula and in the foothills of the Northern Italian Alps are through Roman plunder trains increasingly weakened. still based in Northern Italy Celts are than province Gallia Cisalpine”in the Roman Empire incorporated. 52 BC Casar besieged the army of the Celtic leader Vercingetorix, which has joined in the city of Alesia.

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