The Personality

And Furthermore, I think that at least one real meeting per year for all parties is important. Building personal relationships of team members will be impossible without this. And also the quality of relations ultimately decides whether the success of the team. This applies only for international teams or all teams of the members of which are resident not in one place? PI: It is very likely for each team, that is distributed across multiple sites. But as soon as, in addition several regional, national and cultural backgrounds are added, increasing the physical and emotional distance of the team members still. You have a method or a system developed with the teams collaborate virtually. What are your 3-5 key points? PI: The base is the personality.

As I said, the team should meet as soon as possible face to face. Each team member will present his personal and professional highlights this first cooperation meeting; This provides the basis for Relationship building and helps with future relations. Ten for the project and the team are collectively elementary projects of part of, the 10 big rocks identified. These are equally important for the success of the project, as for the personal growth of the team members. The 10 big rocks method the team around a common goal has United, at the same time the inpiduellen strengths of team members are identified and promoted. The different cultural characteristics are explicitly supported and this generally strengthened recognition of the performance of each team member and the individual successes. Empowerment, as it is so beautiful on Neu: mutual and community development and of course the Community cooperation are more key. In a virtual team, where the Chief sits not just around the corner, the employee must have freedom of choice to achieve their goals and to carry out their tasks. Without a doubt, everyone should as far as possible always have access to the advice and support of the Team leader have virtually of course.

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