The Power

In the human side, it is the force that guides in them in our interior life and our interaction with the exterior world. Without it in them we become blind people, emptinesses, without route and plummet. We lose in them of us. To deny or to ignore the force of the love is to die without being dead. It is to live without enxergar the lights and the colors of the life. Nobody has the power of giving in them or taking off the force of the love. We only have the power to manage it. We can ignores it or not.

It is pure fancy to find that somebody has the power of in giving love to them. The people had come to learn to share its force of the love with the others and not to give love for the other. This unfamiliarity of the force of the love makes with that the people if lose of itself and are dependents of the other to feel what already exists inside of itself. To find that the love is born of a relation is pure illusion. It is to deny of itself what it is had of more precious. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit idt energy.

It is to become ignorant in relation the law of the life. We did not come to conquer the love of the other and yes to learn to share our love with us (auto-love), the others and the life. Nobody in the ones of or takes off the love. We only have the power to deny our force of the love. It is pure fancy or illusion to find that we can give love for who does not have or to be filled by the love of the other. All we have already it, if we do not connect in them in it, the problem is alone ours. The freedom that the life in the ones of the one in function of the force of the love is to choose where, as and with who we want shares it.

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