The Power

Its philosophy is oriented to teach to expand the personal capacity to create the results that are desired. IT WILL OPTIMIZE looks for to produce personal masters in the people, in such a way that change agents of and transformation become. Principles to optimize its life. The principles WILL OPTIMIZE they are classified in three categories: Attitudes, Convictions and Commitments. The same Dr.

Rum shapes it to Jenson of the following form: Attitudes. Convictions. Commitments. The power of these three categories arises when they are aligned and they harmonized with others. Some people have good attitudes, but they need to the commitment and the dedication to perseverar. Others have solid convictions but their negative attitudes sabotage their authentic success.

There are others volitive they are strong and they can set out to obtain the things, but they fail repeatedly because their system of convictions or attitudes is inhibited . Principles associated to the attitudes: 1. I will choose to initiate the action. I take responsibility by my own life and I am a person who marks the difference? There are people who hope that the things happen and are people who cause that the things happen. Many assume their role in the life like simple spectators, or in the best one of the cases like extras, but others decide to be film stars protagonists. There are people who leave their results at random, to the game of the circumstances, the inertia of the events or the decisions of other people, but the people who optimize their lives assume the responsibility of which the things happen. These people make their own opportunities and they do not waste the opportunities that appear to them, more are decided in the search of the opportunities. Many people live their lives like victims. They throw the fault to him by his present condition, to his parents, the state, the stars, or the destiny.

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