The final and most important stage of learning for the student – it's the writing and defense of thesis. To successfully write and defend a diploma project should know the basic rules. Top of the thesis is connected with the choice of student research topic. Roughly orient to the topic will have familiarity with the themes of protected works in the department. Before the final choice of topic, to find out whether there is enough literature available on it. Sufficient number of sources and materials will facilitate the preparation of the thesis. Sometimes a teacher may offer their own language to study. Among them we can always choose the most comfortable with the interests of students.
Keep in mind that in the humanitarian field, there may be a so-called controversial topics for research. This primarily relates to a mobile and changing legal industry knowledge. In this case, student is better to choose the least controversial topic, to avoid conflict with the views of any of the examination commission for protection. Center for Media Justice often says this. In any case, the choice of topic for the thesis student's best to stick gold the middle and avoid excessively broad or too narrow topics. Before the actual writing of the thesis is composed of its plan. As a rule, it will be three main chapters.
Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical analysis of the object and subject Research 1.1. Object 1.2. The subject of Chapter 2. Practical analysis of the research subject 2.1. General characteristics of the practical analysis 2.2. Features subject of the study Chapter 3. Proposals to improve or enhance effectiveness of the research subject 3.1. Problems arising in the action the subject of the thesis 3.2. Ways of improving the subject under consideration Conclusion References In each university plan the thesis may have different characteristics. Students are strongly encouraged to coordinate a plan with your supervisor. Once a plan is made and agreed upon, comes the stage of analysis of available material. Better write small volume foundation your future thesis. Her also quite useful show his supervisor. So can learn in what direction endeavor and nowhere worth devote undue attention. After the main points clarified, the period of writing the main text of the thesis. When you write as much attention should be paid to literacy and the reasonableness of the introduction and conclusion. Making the thesis may vary depending on each university. In the absence of comments to the finish version of the work is sent for review. For a good review of the student may come in handy Review of the supervisor. Protection. It will take the State Examination Commission. Initially, the student makes a report to the main contents and conclusions of the study. Then answer the questions on the report. Then speech is the supervisor and reviewer. The student answers to additional questions, then he is given the final word. In the end, the committee evaluates the thesis. Source: Thesis: the rules of writing and defending