And this my dear friend is the greater cause of infelicidad. To men like them to feel admired, to feel respected and if a its own home does not find that, wrath to look for another side, like for example his work, if it is why the addict ones to the work exist, is because there they feel important. To the Men they Like To feel Admired I put an example to You, we suppose that a man works like salesman in a company, when he arrives at his office say Mr. to him PEREZ, in when he arrives at his house, say to him hears traiste for the food already, sight that lacks this, you have not made the one of breadfruit, because you did not do it, etc If I explain myself? In his work he is Mr. PEREZ, but when it arrives at his house it turns into the man who noncoat the sweepings, not recogio their clothes, etc If you husband this in a work where it gains a misery, deals but it with admiration, creme that is going to you to cost pains childbirth, to cause that man leaves that work. And it is for that reason.
To the men they like to feel admired. And for that reason it does not want to say, that we are due to feel less, records in your mind the following thing: To the men they like the women who project value, and they feel safe of themselves. The pessimistic, defeatist, uncertain women, are the one that the men do not look for. And I do not believe that your you are one of those women because if no, you had still not married. The happiness is a mental state, is not something that can maintain with the hands. If you want sentirte loved and happy in your marriage, the first person that you need aid you are you yourself.