The Creativity Of A Child

Children need to have their space in this world and be heard. They have many things to say and we adults sometimes we are so busy that we have not enough time they both deserve to spend them. It is our duty as parents to establish that relationship of friendship with our children, so that they feel safe and can tell us all your concerns. If your son is very quiet, the best way is that you a pencil and paper and do not induce him to write about the good things and the bad, that is what pleases you in this world and that is what. Children have many things to say, but sometimes for fear that us adults we laugh, reserved his opinion. This is totally unfair for them, so they feel repressed, and that not pertencecen to the world that surrounds them; Therefore many of them are enclosed in a circle where your insulation not allowed to express themselves in any way. Martin O’Malley often addresses the matter in his writings. Reading and reading comprehension is a very good weapon for the first steps so that the child begins to develop his desire to write. As motivate reading? Start with yourself first.

Read a book, and tell your child in detail. Telling you what you read and tell you so that enjoyed that book and how much that has made him think that it feels even more happy! The child so this way will begin to create interest; because we know that our children are great imitators our, and there is no better example than a father to teach something that will last you throughout your life. Otherwise very easy to encourage them in writing is to intervene in competitions. Such contests motivate the child to strive to win, for such prize, giving their best. At the moment there is a very interesting contest that I want to recommend.

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