Afro Culture

Percieve the importance of the literary work in state level; Desenvolver the sense critical-reflexive ahead of the experiences and the values of the people bahian afro-descendants, breaching with preconceptions of times; Analisar discursivamente and critically texts, poems, poetries, books, musics among others; Conhecer the present culture afro in the culinria, the religion, the parties, dances, musics, theater, poetries, poems, romances, arts bahian; Desenvolver the habit of reading, writing and curiosidades on history and culture of the state, city where it inhabits; Conhecer bahian authors, singers, writers and composers and its contributions in the combat to racism; Discutir the education in the Bahia and the presence of blacks in the schools and university; Sensibilizar the spirit of solidarity and respect for the differences in the environment pertaining to school making with that it reflects in the familiar life, social, professional, estudantil practising the moral, ethical values; Compreender that the presence of the black in history is of basic importance for the construction of cultures, cities and identities; Aprender to coexist differences; Favorecer a interrelao between the literary world and its region; Aprimorar knowledge from a world vision; 8. JUSTIFICATION: During the studies in the Course of Formation for Ensino de Histria and Cultura Afro-Brazilians, to some chances of deepening and knowledge concerning the culture afro and its history had been offered, chances these, that made in them to cover the African universe serving of foundation for orientation of the didactic-pedagogical work of form condizente with the reality. Law 10,639/03 was promulgated since year 2003, however, in accordance with depositions of cursistas and even though the reality which if is part, is perceived that some schools not yet work of efficient form, does not develop action and projects concerning the study of this history and so important culture for the formation of the Brazilian nation, that many times is occulted or even though discredited by the school, the media, didactic books, at last, for the society, showing, of the elitist point of view, Africa that does not exist, or that it is not part of history, therefore is studied of broken up form, without counting the resistncias, barriers that is found on the part of some members of the pertaining to school community, many times for religious trends or not feeling security in transmitting these contents of efficient form making a work that develops the creativity, the critical sense – reflective of educating.

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