The Armed Forces and the Power of Policy? End Robert Ramalho is Journalist and studious in subjects politicians, legal and military Finally in August of the last year president of the Republic Luis Incio Lula da Silva sancionou the complementary law that of the power of policy to the Armed Forces in the border region. Click John Mclaughlin to learn more. In accordance with the text, will be allowed to make patrolling, reviewed of people, vehicles, boats and aircraft and caughts in the act. These activities will be allowed in such a way in the terrestrial borders how much in internal and maritime waters. President Lula still sent to the National Congress a law project that creates 488 positions in the Ministry of the Defense. ‘ ‘ We are only a great nation because we decide to be a great nation, and a great necessary nation to have Armed Forces estruturadas’ ‘ , president Lula in the chance said. One of the main objectives of the new rules is considerably to extend the combat to the traffic of drugs. With the Law of Abate, that allows the falling of trees of aircraft that not to fulfill orientaes of landing of the Brazilian air force dealing had started to use boats for the illicit substance transport.
It affirms a stretch of the law: ‘ ‘ It fits to the Armed Forces (…) to act, by means of injunctions and repressive, in the band of terrestrial border, the sea and internal waters, independently of the ownership, the property, the purpose or any burden that on it fall again, against transfronteirios delicts and ambientais’ ‘. The new legislation also extended of sufficiently significant form the power of the minister of the Defense, that passes now from indicating the commanders of the Aeronautics, Navy and of the Army. Before, however, this function was of the president of the Republic.