Augustus Cesar

' ' The construction of the identity encloses the exploratrio way covered by the young of this etria band route it defines what it as an only person, singular.' ' (MARRA; COAST, 2010, P. 53) As Jamiel Lopes (1995) the child is born unprovided of moral judgment. What Freud flame of censorship or superego. The just-been born one possesss only one few instincts: to suck, to breathe, to swallow, to cry out, etc. The values are developed through the relationships and of the influences of the way where it lives. ' ' From then on, they are not more the instincts that will control the child, but the behavior learned for intermediary of the others pessoas.' ' (LOPES, 1995, P.

78) the construction of the identity is a process and must be directed in infancy until the adolescence. ' ' If it does not make this during the adolescence, that is the opportune moment, the most likely one is that it finishes happening later, ' ' it affirms Nancy Van Pelt. (2006, P. 86) the identity of the child will construct as its of course development. Therefore those have that them under its responsibility must be intent for conduziz them in this process. Augustus Cesar (1996, P.

42) says in them that: The moment to start to teach the obedience is when the baby still is in the arms of the mother. Before exactly that the reason if develops, for the habit, the children can, and must, to be taught to obey. The parents are the first professors of the children, and as such, has the responsibility to prepare them for the life. Meibel Guedes (2004, p.100) declares in them that the small child does not have a clear image of same itself. It enxerga through the mirror of the evaluation of its parents. ' ' To say for sluggish, incapable, dull, constantly shy it that he is me, misadjusted and imcompetent person will create in it the trend in accordance with to act the images that they had attributed to it.

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