Buenos Aires

If there is a beyond the principle of pleasure, forced consequently will have to admit that there was a time before also the tendency of sleep to the fulfillment of desire. This does not contradict the role adopted by later. That is to say that Freud is placing the traumatic dream as obeying a prehistory of this filmmaker’s desire to trend. These dreams refer to a time logically prior to the establishment of the desire or, according to what Freud is going to continue to work on the text, logically prior to the impulse of life. The traumatic dream responds to a trend even more primitive than the pleasure principle. These differences are also important differences in the clinic on how to work with the dreams of anguish, comparable to the nightmares and the traumatic dreams equivalent to the nocturnal pavores of children.

When there is an emergency of a dream of anguish the subject associated analysis and therefore can work like any other dream. The presence of anguish urges work on analysis and can see that often the patient is waiting for the time of the session to count it and develop this occurring in your dream. In the case of the traumatic dream there are no associations, always appears the same thing: the subject referring to the accident or the same dream situation. These dreams are repetitive and the possibility of work is to speak to the subject on the accident or traumatic situation, vivid recounting with as much as possible details, which says all what happened, he thought, how lived it, what happened with those who were with him, and to accomplish this the analyst must go asking in order to talk to the patient. This work is, in short, the achieve the derivation of that investiture through the word, whether similar work to that is done in the case of a duel. Bibliography: Sigmund Freud, beyond the pleasure principle, complete works, Amorrortu Editores, Buenos Aires, 1990.

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