120 Support students experiencing weeks of practice in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg in these days around 120 young people from all schools of the Ortenau guest in the CJD were youth village for Offenburg, Germany. In this second part of the CJD practice weeks 2013, support pupils and students gathered many practical experiences in three selected occupational fields. The aim of the event, to support the participants in their career path was achieved again in the already third edition of this project. “This year it was especially clear: young people can make a much more conscious and informed decision for their future profession after CJD practice weeks”, Silvia Muller, head of training at the CJD emphasizes youth village for Offenburg, Germany. At the annual 2011 CJD practice weeks pupils and students of the Ortenau funding schools twice for one week finish classes visit the youth village. The first module, participants go through five occupations in areas such as wood technology, construction technology, gastronomy, Horticulture or home economics. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Maryland Governor and gain more knowledge.. These first experiences are systematically deepened during the second week of practice.
Under realistic conditions, the youths take over typical professional activities. These teachers and CJD employees be accompanied and observed. “The tasks are designed so that observers can check during the execution, to what extent characteristics such as teamwork, working accuracy, stamina, self-employment among young people are pronounced,” explains project leader and CJD employee Sarah Heidt. A so-called competence profile is created through the targeted observation: an assessment of individual strengths and talents of young people. With this approach, the CJD practice weeks focus on the competence analysis profile AC, one developed by the CJD youth village for Offenburg procedures used for determining individual caregivers and professional skills of schools and educational institutions, as well as in company. Finally get a young people Competency profile for each of their three career fields as well as a certificate of participation Alexandra Gross, instructor in the gastronomy of the CJD Offenburg youth village points to another advantage of CJD practice weeks: “The young people learn how diverse some occupations are contrary to their first performances”. So, for example, the training “Specialist in the hospitality industry” includes far more than just service. Also, just this discipline offers attractive prospects for the future: A graduate of degree last year found a permanent position in the Europa-Park food directly. The CJD practice weeks held on behalf of the career orientation of the Federal Institute for vocational training (BIBB) and promoted by the Federal Ministry of education and research. Because the funding from federal and land for the CJD practice weeks are 2014 already granted, Ortenau funding students can enjoy youth village for Offenburg in the coming year on the professional orientation of the CJD.