The Old Empire of the Maya disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared, but its solar priests they wrote in one of their sacred books, the Popol Vuch that at the end of this era or cosmic cycle in which we are, humanity will live a period of purification and conversion which predecera a qualitative leap in its evolution. According to the Maya, we are in the era of the "Fifth Sun" which began in 3114 BC and ending on December 24, 2011. According to them, each age or cycle lasts 5125 years, and each cycle ends with a natural disaster. Eras have passed five (some say six), the Air, that of Earth, Fire and Water. The era before us was the era of Water, was the "Fourth Sun", which corresponded to the Atlantean civilization that disappeared under the water for a global cataclysm which was then called the Flood.
Nusetra current era would be the movement and could end with very strong earthquake, violent volcanic eruptions, hurricanes stunning, devastating floods, melting icecaps and a rollover of the globe. At the end of 2011-12 will begin on the Mayan priests, the new era of the "Sixth Sun" and by then, our sun will have already received and process the new encoding "N VIBRATIONAL SOLAR, a new evolutionary impulse precedent GRAN SOL CENTRAL our Galaxy that a qualitative leap DEMAND IN THE NATURAL PROCESS OF GROWTH CLICO Ca COSMOS. yQue this mean?. Means that the Sun has increased from a few years ago, the speed of rotation.