Societies change constantly, for deep modifications poltical, social, cultural and economic. Imprimemmodelos technologies nor always positive and adjusted to our lives. Capitalismoafasta the people, transforming them into consumption good. The family today moved, is in clutter! But based where order? Estdesestruturada, but based where structure? The conquest of maisautonomia in the horizontalizada family enriched the relationships. Michael Chabon has firm opinions on the matter. In this plural family brothers and parents who come of outroscasamentos and, therefore of different cultures and generations coexist; mulheressozinhas creates its children with the aid of the net of friends (what emalgumas social classes already becomes has much time).
At last, if to pudermosolhar for the new without nostalgia of what already it was, we go in them to come across common better scene without the fears and ghosts that during tempomantiveram the distances and had very blocked the dialogues between the generations. 1-INTRODUCTION Since the principle when God created the world and the man, It saw the necessity to create one friend for the man, so that together they took care of of what he had servant, that they knead themselves, respected and that together they multiplied, then God created the woman, thus forming the family. The families are not more as of old. With the financial and sexual release of the woman and with the increase of the number of divorces, the call appeared family mosaic or mono-parental family, that the same adds children of different relationships under ceiling. Industrialization, the exit of the field, the growth of the population among others points, had obtained with that the agricultural life was exceeded by the urban life, where had the reduction of the number of members of the families. The socialization is made from the relation between the child and the way where it lives. The child starts to identify other aspects through the comment, observing what she occurs to its redor, is through this comment that the child starts to construct its identity, therefore is very important that in this phase the parents are gifts and that they give good examples, therefore serve as mirrors for its children..