The demographic growth and the concentration of the population would naperiferia of the great centers, currently represent one of the great threats aoequilbrio ecological, since the disordered growth and the noplanejada occupation of the space, beyond degrading the natural resources, pour in osdejetos them produced by these. Second, Martine (2007, P. 02) ‘ ‘ aurbanizao constitutes one of the forces most excellent in the universe of> century to 21.Qualquer that it is the size of the urban problems now, is necessary reconhecerque the biggest urban growth still is for coming. ' ' , that is, if esseprocesso of occupation of the space of the great cities already provoked problemasconsiderados serious until then, the future projections is not entertainers. Data raised in research carried through for the Justinian codes dePesquisa Ibope and Brazilian Instituto of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) apontamque great part of the Brazilians has knowledge of the current ambient crisis, masno applies this knowledge in its day-by-day. In this study, to pretendemosfornecer subsidies that can understand these gotten results and consider evidenced umadiscusso that can understand the reasons for which this process practical deassimilao and if develops of dissonante form. Historical evolution the taking of conscience around the problems ambientaisteve beginning from the occurrence of first the great accidents in the world, over all the effect caused for the great nuclear accidents in diferentespases. The occurrence of these accidents provoked in world-wide scale the sobrea debate form of development to any cost, in detriment to the impacts globaisprovocados for this.
On the Guimares question (2001, P. 51), explicit ' ' oesgotamento of a development style ecologically predator, perverse, politically unjust, socially culturally mentally ill eeticamente repulsivo' '. In Brazil and the world the quarrel around the environment recent questo, until the decade of 70 was concern of few, until entoodesenvolvimento was centered in the expansion of borders, to any cost, independent of the ambient liabilities generated and the future costs the seremresgatados ones.