GGS: info day to in-service masters on Saturday, January 29, 2011 the German invites graduate school of management and law (GGS) from 11:00 until 14:00 in the Neckar Tower (station str. 1, 74072 Heilbronn) to the next info day. It is aimed at all, a part-time MBA – Master in business management and LL.M-study would show. New law curriculum starting in October 2011 will offer a master of laws degree (LL.M.) for the activity as an enrolled in-house lawyer the GGS law referendaren, assessors, lawyers and Bachelor’s graduates. The curriculum this new LL.M. specifically focus on the requirements imposed on lawyers in legal departments daily.
The philosophy of this course so far unique in Germany is in the teeth of business law, management and soft skills. These areas are not isolated and taught side by side, but considered integrated. Personal advice and detailed discussions also have the visitors the opportunity to get a own picture of the College to make. Professors, lecturers, students and staff are available for personal talks and a detailed consultation available. Here the visitors can learn everything about the other GGS master’s degree programmes: the MBA the MBA program focuses on first-year students the core disciplines of management: General management is in the foreground.
Based on the various programs in the second year focus on tailored to focus on: leadership generally (focus leadership), in an international context (focus international business) or design and management of business processes (process focus management & innovation). Next course starts: June 18, 2011 and October 15, 2011 the LL.M. in business law law for non-lawyers. In two years the competent point of contact on legal issues of corporate governance. Next course start: October 22, 2011 the Leeds masters in business management course in management in international cooperation with the Leeds University Business School. Next Study start: January 2012 also the Dieter Schwarz information prospective students info day about the application and selection process, costs and scholarships Foundation. You gain a comprehensive impression of the GGs. Of course you can apply directly for a study. Applications are accepted continuously. Since the number of places for the study programmes is limited, it is advisable to apply early for the study. Mrs. Christine Schmidt is available for telephone information like running 07131 645636-17 available.