Humanitarian Foundation

It was not possible to make the period of training in it because the same one total was not registered. Beyond being with all the documentation in day, the day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes quick Barsanulfo an important paper in the city of Goinazes-Mg. By these, the foundation was chosen for the practical one of period of training IV. The project was implanted to complement, to diversify and to dinamizar the process of teach-learning of the children. For more information see this site: John Mclaughlin.

During the implantation of the project, the children could have had access the different lessons, where some types of materials had helped that them to acquire abilities and abilities had been used that they will facilitate to its process of teach-learning when to initiate its studies in the infantile education (daily pay-school). The project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ he aims at to the research and integration of the pupils. To assist in the alfabetizao process, to know and to rescue the history of life of each child. The isolated, individualistic work, must be looser giving place to the work in team, having exchange of knowledge. The choice of the subject has left of the estimated one: ‘ ‘ An education that it intended to adapt the man would be killing action possibilities, transforming it into bee. The education must stimulate the option and affirm the man as man. To adapt is to accomodate, not transformer. The subject identity assists in the alfabetizao process, through the identification of the proper name and the name of the room friend. The objective is to make with that all history of life all helps, them in the learning process.

The general objective of the project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ she is assistant in the process of alfabetizao of the children taken care of for the Humanitarian Foundation

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