Robinson Crusoe

Can assume that yes, they say, he has ownership of all things and objects that are on the island. And because you can and assume that there is a Robinson Crusoe is no right of ownership. Which makes sense to speak of ownership, when nobody does not care about how much the property is at Robinson? Part 3 in which the author retells a parable about two sheep Once there were two sheep on a narrow mountain bridge, and so narrow that he could pass the bridge only one. To get everyone in the party, one of two rams should turn around and go back to the other can continue your journey. In other words, some of them should take the responsibility to pass another.

Who who miss the same? If you met the young and old sheep, the obligation to pass voluntarily assume the young. If you meet the strong and weak, the strong weak oblige him to miss it. If you meet an intelligent and stupid, then clever miss stupid. In any case, if someone takes the responsibility to pass the other, both sheep will survive. If, however, meet in such a situation is really two sheep, then sshibutsya foreheads on the bridge and both shall fall into the abyss. As far as the author did not remember correctly, so a parable and ends really. Part 4 in which the author returns to the Robinson Crusoe lived fared even Robinson Crusoe all alone, but by chance appeared in the his island new resident – Friday. Robinson saved the lives of Friday and Friday turned out to be terribly grateful for it. No one bothered to turn around and leave Friday on his rescuer, but Friday he did not. For the fact that Robinson saved his life, as well as seeing Robinson and powerful being a strong, Friday assume the responsibilities of the servants of Robinson.

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