Tag Archives: right


It does not have nothing that torments plus a Manager or desmotive an employee when the attribution of the SENIORIDADE of somebody clear or criteriosamente is not criteriosamente defined: why I still am Jnior and until when? what I must … Continue reading

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Federal Constitution

100 of the Federal Constitution, that sales the fracionamento of the execution against the Public Farm, are to prevent that exequente uses simultaneously by means of value in addition of the debt, fracionamento or distribution of two systems of satisfaction … Continue reading

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Supreme Federal Court

1 In the cases foreseen in this article, the judge will command the sending of a court file to the court, has or not appeal; not making it, the chief justice will have to appeal to higher court them. 2 … Continue reading

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Father Father

That for all suffering that already I lived, it was for growing, and to understand the wonders of the Father. I hear for this the voice of God In each creature and creation and go growing; Looking my deep and … Continue reading

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Ruach Hakodesh

Today I go to make something unusual. Opposite of speaking I only go to ask for that loved () the friend () and brother () in Christ can read the text below and that the Ruach Hakodesh (Espirito Santo discloses) … Continue reading

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Certain Honor

Per many years this thesis found acceptance in the Court of the Jury, consequence of the machismo that we lived. Later the courts they had started to annul the judgments to it under the argument of that if the excuse … Continue reading

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Roads and Vehicles

The improvement of the roads and of vehicles, the cheaper fuel meeting represents modernizations that allow the reduction of the costs. Of course, the ones that make these trips of consumption are the ones that make use of mobility. This … Continue reading

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