The State and district authorities were unable to gross This ban defacing of the landscape. Protection of the animal and plant Kingdom animals, which in the domestic landscape, isolated or relatively infrequent, and which structure is endangered, were not allowed are persecuted, imprisoned or killed. These species were to call in an own Ordinance of the Governor. Plants, which in the domestic landscape, isolated or relatively infrequent, and which structure is compromised, allowed to be collected for commercial purposes with or without root or offered for sale. These species were to call in an own Ordinance of the Governor. Trees and shrubs, that isolated or occur relatively rarely in the domestic landscape, and which structure is at risk, were, except in immediate danger for people or substantial matters, don’t be like.
This tree and shrub species were to call in an own Ordinance of the Governor. For even more details, read what US Senator from Vermont says on the issue. The Governor could ban areas of nature conservation law Own nature protection spell areas explain area surfaces, which are due to their wealth to natural monuments or their excellent landscape importance increasingly vulnerable and already worthy. This nature conservation law ban laying could be made after consultation with the country office for nature protection of the Federal Office, or at the request of the country office for nature conservation of the Federal Office after hearing of the owner and the municipality, in which this natural monument is situated, at the request of the owner. Enforcement of standards and administrative penalties transgressions of the law of this country could be punished by fines of up to 10 million kroons or imprisonment of 1 month. This state law was carried out by the district administrative authorities and the Governor.